Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today has been a great day so far...

1. I wasn't even tired when I woke up to get ready for church this morning
2. Ali went up to SL last night, which means I got to walk to church this morning. And home from church. And today is a beautiful day.
3. Of course I always have my camera with me, so I took a picture of a few blossoms on my way home from church. I haven't been taking pictures lately, and actually I've really missed it.
4. It is Easter. Though we should always remember the Lord and be grateful for Him. Especially on this day. He was resurrected on this day, that we may also be resurrected one day.
5. We went to G&Gs for dinner. They always feed us way too much, so our stomachs almost explode. Everyone that was in town came. Its always fun to be with family.
6. The "secret" is out. Though it was never really a secret. I was happy to report to family about it, except for the future harrasment I'll be recieving.
7. Scott trusts me. It makes me feel very loved and important. I'm glad I can be there for him, and know that he is there for me also.
8. Only 1 more day of classes. Which means everything is due. Which means after tomorrow even if its not all finished, it'll be too late and time to move on.

That's all for now. Peace. Love.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Peace and love to you too. Glad you could enjoy the beautiful spring Easter day.